
How do buyers decide what to buy?

Well, isn’t this the million dollar question… Let’s just do this…write down three things (big or small items) you have purchased in recent memory.  Then, right down the real reasons you bought those exact items as best as you can remember at the moment you closed yourself (please note, you ALWAYS close yourself, nobody else ever …

How do buyers decide what to buy? Read More »

Training Fibs

Would you believe that some people and training companies are so committed to certain practices and phrases that they will do – and have to do – almost anything to keep them alive, even if they don’t work anymore?  They also make the necessity for the practice a fib along with the results! Every industry …

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Basic or Advanced Training?

Let’s say you play golf, and wanted to improve your game. One of your many options would be to get a coach or trainer to work with you. If you actually took the time and money and committed to lessons, how would you feel if your trainer said “Ok, I will start by teaching you …

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Building your client base

Repeats and referrals are the holy grail of selling. They show up with a strong intention to buy a car from YOU. So we cannot do anything that will sacrifice this! If we lie, change dealerships, lose credibility or connection with our customers, they drift off, go elsewhere, and may also tell all their friends …

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