
It’s Been A Tough Week…

As many of you know, my father passed a week ago. I cannot express the gratitude and appreciation I feel from all of your emails and text messages, an avalanche of outpourings that really did help me more than you will know. They numbered in the hundreds, and it took me days to reply. Incredible. …

It’s Been A Tough Week… Read More »

You can’t sell a secret

Do you remember exactly where you were when you lost your virginity? If I said I wanted a soda pop or soft drink what brands would you mention? These are two very different examples of things that are highly memorable. When a customer says the word ‘car’ what or who do they think of? If …

You can’t sell a secret Read More »

Who is your real competition?

I stopped worrying about traditional competition years ago. I know first hand that the majority of people in any field (and I have worked in a few of them) really don’t care all that much about their careers, their customers, their learnings or their incomes. Oh sure, they say they do, and are even adamant …

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